1:該認證 / 評價自評定之日起有效期三年。
The certification / evaluation is valid for, three years for the date of assessment.
2. 該認證 / 評價實行復審制度,有效期內,每年復審一-次。經復審合格的,加蓋復審章后可繼續使用,信用狀況發生變化的,需要重新評定信用狀況并更換證書。
The certification / evaluation shall be reviewed once a year within the validity period. If the review is qualified,the certification shall continue to be used after the seal is affixed; If not, the certificate shall be revoked or, replaced after evaluation of the credit condition.
3. 有效期內企業改變名稱的,必須持證到發證單位辦理變更手續。
If an enterprise changes the name of the enterprise within the validity per iod of this certificate, the person in charge of the enterprise must bring the certificate to the issuing unit for the change procedure.
4. 本證書只證明企業有效期內的信用狀況,不作他用。
This certificate only proves the credit status of the enterprise during its validity period and it is not used for other purposes.
5. 本證書不得涂改,轉借。
This certificate shall not be altered or lent.